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Joined November 2009 (14 years ago)

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Video comments:
1. The trees absorb the CO2 out of the air and through the miracle of photosynthesis, light adds enough energy to separate the carbon and oxygen atoms and the tree then absorbs the carbon which it uses to grow. The tree also uses it's roots to get some mineral nutrients that are suspended in the ground water (which originally came from the sky as well). If you want to hear it from an expert, check out this short clip of Nobel winning Physicist, Richard Feynman explaining how trees grow. - 12 years ago
2. His bad day is going to get a lot worse when he's identified and informed that tampering with a mailbox is a federal crime. From "a single act of intentionally vandalizing a USPS approved mail box is punishable by fines of up to $250,000 in federal fines." ..."anyone convicted of vandalism of a federally approved public or private mailbox may be sentenced up to three years for each act of vandalism." ..."In addition to civil and criminal penalties, tampering with or vandalizing federal mailboxes may result in required hours of community service." d'oh! - 12 years ago
3. I feel so sorry for their neighbors. - 13 years ago

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